COMPETITION - [ 2 Tickets Each ] - 2 WINNERS

Quick reminder for Sunday's 6pm draw (21st June) those who entered are the hopefuls that stand the chance to be 2 lucky winners claiming themselves 2 x £18 TICKETS EACH for Electribe 101's BILLIE RAY MARTIN + DAVE SEAMAN scheduled Saturday 4th July down at The Leeds Warehouse.

Because we only gave away one prize last time, guilt set in especially since you all showed us so much love, enthusiastic effort and support, proving to be an extreme loyal following you always continue to be every time without fail. 

This time 2 winners are drawn & simply because we're receiving so much support from you all, we at Shine HQ have decided amongst ourselves to let another competition roll into the internet wind. Where yet another 2 winners take prizes of 2 x £22 Tickets each.


The current competition doesn't finish until 6pm this Sunday so if you haven't and would like to try your luck, by all means JOIN then SHARE the FACEBOOK EVENT. Good luck...